Two mentors from brigade reap

Took on an ambitious project of evangelizing entrepreneurship among youth in an unconventional fashion.
A motorcycle ride that garlanded the map of India, the project was titled Electric Bharatmala. Months of planning and 54 days on the road on an electric motorcycle, the Mantis, from Orxa Energies. This ride was longer than the existing world record distance for the longest ride on an electric motorcycle – by over 1000 kms.
From the ooranis in Tamil Nadu to the mighty Himalayas in Kashmir, from the enigmatic Seven Sisters in the east to the world's largest oil refinery in Saurashtra on the west coast – the diversity of this great country boggles the mind. The multitudes in India are different in many ways but are unified in many ways too. Kindness, largesse and pride are common threads running through the tapestry that is India.
Both John and Gautam were struck the most by the entrepreneurial spirit that came through in the numerous colleges that they stopped and spoke at. Brilliant ideas, extremely driven young minds. The focus is well and truly on startups.