Engineers Day Celebrations

Commemorating the birth anniversary of Shri M. Visvesvaraya - the legendary engineer, we at Brigade felicitate an eminent engineer every year on the first Saturday of September.
In the 5th year of this tradition, we were happy to felicitate Mr. A. N. Prakash, the founder of A. N. Prakash Construction Project Management Co (P) Ltd., a 30 year old organisation that has rendered quality project management support for hundreds of construction projects in the country. He was also incidentally the project management consultant for our very first project - Brigade Towers.
At the event, Mr. A. N. Prakash vividly remembered the early days during 1986 when technology was still in its infancy and all work had to be done in the traditional way. He also took the young engineers, present at the event through this journey and advised them on the ethics that have built this great industry.
Engineers’ Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of one of the greatest legends in civil engineering, Bharath Ratna M. Visvesvaraya. It reminds all engineers of the vision, dedication and excellence one must possess in all our endeavours to take our nation to greater heights. Most importantly it serves as the best platform of inspiration for young engineers who are the future of this great nation.
Nishanth Harikishan, Brigadier